Web Admin


Anis-admin provides a web interface to assist the administrator in the configuration. In this section we will see how it works.


By default the authentication is disabled. If you have enabled anis-server authorization then it is mandatory to activate authentication on the admin side.

To enable authentication you need to change the settings in the environments files. Go to the directory src/environments. This directory contains two typescript files. Environement.ts is for the dev version and environement.prod.ts for the production.

If you want to configure the dev version open the environement.ts.


We will list the different parameters here :

  • production: Parameter reserved by angular framework
  • apiUrl: URL to contact anis-server
  • baseHref: Base URL to use for all relative URLs in a document
  • authenticationEnabled: To enable authentication true else false
  • ssoAuthUrl: URL to contact keycloak
  • ssoRealm: Keycloak realm used for this authentication
  • ssoClientId: Keycloak client used for this authentication
  • ssoLoginRedirectUri: Redirect URL after authentication
  • ssoLogoutRedirectUri: Redirect URL after logout

If you want to test the authentication in development mode and you have started anis-server just change the parameter authenticationEnabled by true. Keycloak is already configured to work.

Web interface

To open the web interface in development mode, you can click on the Admin button on the upper right in the navigation bar. You should get to a page like the following.


On the first page you can see the list of available instances. An instance corresponds to one anis-client website. Here you can see the Default instance added when installing anis-server. Default instance refers to the anis-client project run in dev mode on http://localhost:4200.

On the top menu you can see three links:

  • Instances: To see the list of all instances (root page)
  • Projects: To manage projects and databases
  • Settings: To manage dynamic settings for this web interface

Add a database and a project

First of all cick on Projects on the top menu.


On the first tab you can see all available scientific projects. A scientific project must be linked to a database. To add a new database you must go to the second tab Databases.


Here you see the test database added during the installation of anis-server. To add a new database, you must click on new database. You must then fill in all the mandatory fields to reference a new database. Attention for the moment only the postgresql driver has been tested.